Survival in the Wild Wiki

The following are techniques of building a fire..

Tipi fire- The tipi is one of the basics of fire building. First start with two sticks the size of the fire you want to build. Find a spot of wet mud or dirt. Then shove the two sticks in the ground slanted towards eachother. Make them kind of touch at the end. After the two sticks are stable, you then do the same but going across the oposite way that you did it first. When your all done, stack many same sized sticks all around it. Soon after stacking lots of sticks, you should have a small tipi. When you have finished the stacking job, pull out a couple sticks from the side so you can fill the tiny tipi with Kindling. After stuffing you should be done. Put the sticks back up and you have your tipi fire ready to burn.
